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Greek Alphabet Puzzle (Deliverable)

Brand: bits4school
Product Code: GAP001
Availability: On order, delivery within 30 days

Price: 11.00‎€

Designed for preschoolers and elementary students to match the initial letter sound of the word. At the edge of each card there is a letter of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase) and on the left are 7 images starting with the corresponding letter. The child enriches his vocabulary by naming the 7 elements of the card each time. By cutting the right triangle of the card depicting the letters, the cards turn into a puzzle game. The product (24 cards of A5 size) are available in a laminated colour printed version.

Classes Kindergarten
Classes 1st grade
Product Categories Cards
Product Categories Puzzles
Courses Literacy
Development Areas Early writing and reading
Development Areas Early writing and reading
Development Areas Memory skills
Development Areas Phonological awareness
Cognitive Areas Alphabet